Half Price Pet Flea Service
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Call our experts to your home to protect against cat, dog and human fleas.
Cleanfootprints Flea pest control services are recommended and used by many Estate Agents and Property Letting Agencies. We provide a very thorough, hygienic carpet clean followed by a highly specialised application of professional insecticide.
Ideal to control the following bugs:
Cat & Dog Flea, Ants, bed Bugs, Carpet Beetle, German Cockroach, Indian Meal Moth, Mill Moth, Mosquito, Silverfish, Ticks, Wasp.
Thoroughly clean the affected areas and treat infected hosts like your pets with FRONTLINE, ask vet for advice.
Vacuum all soft furnishings concentrating around edges of carpets and under all furniture.
Hot wash infected clothing and bedding.
Adult fleas are usually around 2-7mm long and brownish red in colour. Fleas exist as parasites on warm-blooded animals example dogs, cats and even humans, although cat fleas account for about 75% of all infestations. Fleas usually leave a small red dot after biting their host and can carry other diseases but rarely in the UK.
Flea eggs are small, white, oval shaped and can be laid anywhere such as the hosts fur, furnishings and bedding. The eggs hatch in about 7 days into a white larvae. The larvae thrive well in damp, dark conditions and grow for 12 to 14 days. They then spin a cocoon to begin their transformation usually emerging as adults after 7 weeks.